Shabbat Kiddush Sponsor Kiddush Sponsor Name * Day time phone Number * E-mail address Date you wish to sponsor In honor / in memory of (please indicate) Note: To enable everybody to celebrate their simchas together, you might not be the exclusive sponsor of the Kiddush Please reserve your kiddush date as early as possible. Deadline Since the kiddush needs preparation the earlier you reserve your kiddush the better and easier it will be for all. If you are sponsoring a basic kiddush you can reserve up until the Wednesday before your kiddush, if you wish to sponsor an elaborate kiddush you must reserve no later then the the Monday before your kiddush, this will enable the kiddush committee to prepare the kiddush properly. What's the Date? To find out the proper date to celebrate or commemorate your special occasion please click here Kiddush Menu Basic Kiddush cost:$250 (for 75 people, if you want food for more people, please pay accordingly) Challah, salads, cold cuts or smoked fish, water and pop. Special Kiddush If you wish to have a more elaborate kiddush please check this box and someone from our kiddush committee will contact you If you would like to join our Kiddush committee, please email for more info or call 905.881.1919 Payment method: Please bill my credit card: Bill my Amount * Card Number * 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expiration Date * You will receive a receipt for the full amount of the sponsorship This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.