The Bat Mitzvah Club is a club for girls in every sense. Not only will she be the main topic of discussion, but she’ll be learning about Jewish females and mentored by a hip young woman from your community.

She’ll share ideas, friendship and fun with girls who are on the same Bat Mitzvah journey.


Our local Bat Mitzvah club is part of a worldwide organization that spans six continents, 30 countries and reaches more than 3,000 girls. With more than 400 BMC chapters worldwide, it’s safe to say that she’ll have Jewish friends across the globe that she can connect with in a real way. Our cultures may differ, but our hearts beat as one BMC.


You can rest assured that the leaders who will be mentoring your daughter are passionate about Judaism. They exemplify living with purpose and a defining identity. Our club leaders are smart, friendly, energetic individuals. They possess a commitment and understanding of Judaism, its customs and law.



Your member will be able to share ideas, friendship and fun with girls who are on the same Bat Mitzvah journey. Once she's joined the Bat Mitzvah Club, you’ll have given her the best gifts of all: self-confidence, Jewish pride and lasting friendships. These truly are gifts that last a lifetime.


Seriously. They do.

We talk. We craft. We eat. It's like a cycle of perfection.

Our meetings touch on issues that your member will deal with every day. Not sure how she'll handle that C on her test? Upset that her parents just don’t get it? Can’t handle the pressure of her upcoming Bat Mitzvah? That’s why we’re here - along with her new best friends - in the safe zone. Nothing is off topic and no judgements are made.

We're here for her.

And we’re here to eat, of course. Ice cream sundae parties, cookies, fruit, challah, you name it, we might try it.

It's that kind of good time.


This is a special time of your daughter’s life and BMC is here to help her make the most of it. The goal of BMC is to give her the tools to cope with anything life can throw at her, all while becoming a strong Jewish Woman.

We know it's a lofty goal, but with her friends and leader by her side, we can make a huge impact on her life and the lives of members in your community.

Our lessons detail mitzvahs both big and small, so she'll realize that every little bit makes a difference in her life and the lives of her friends, family and neighbors. After all, a Bat Mitzvah is more than a party ... although we'll be doing a lot of that too.



Our programming appeals to every need and whim of a young teenager — hands-on crafts, real-life role playing, and of course, the big three: friends, food and fun. Not only will she get to learn about being a Jewish woman, but she'll have the opportunity to socialize and friend like-minded girls her own age.


We're not your typical after-school Hebrew class. We’re able to give your daughter a more lasting experience that she’ll find extremely fulfilling.

Not only do we teach the beauty of doing mitzvahs, but we emphasize the special women's mitzvahs and reach your daughter on a personal and profound level.

Consider this: our program has a more relevant impact than any lavish party could give them.

Her year at the BMC will contain all of the core, essential ideas and information about their Jewish souls. They'll leave our program with pride in becoming a powerful Jewish woman, an understanding of their future potential and with messages of empowerment that they’ll keep with them beyond their Bat Mitzvah celebration.