Memorial Board Plaque Our sages tell us that the best memorial for a loved that has passed on is to donate Tzedaka (Charity) in their memory. You can dedicate a plaque on the Memorial, which will bear the name and date of the passing of a loved one, with a Tax-Deductible contribution. The price differs for members and non-members. *During the Yizkor Service the names on the Memorial Wall will be mentioned in prayer. *The lights which are adjacent to each plaque will be lit on days when the Yizkor Service is recited and also during the Month of Yartzeit. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Memorial Plaque Information: Sample of Information needed for each name submitted. Name : Walter Cohen Hebrew Name and Father's Hebrew Name: משה בן אברהם Date of Passing: September 1, 1989 Hebrew Date (if known): 13 of Elul 5759 Sample plaque: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payment Information: The memorial donation for each plaque is $540 for members (who paid Membership for the year) and $720 for non-members. Payment can be made over six months at $90 a month for members and $120 for non-members. If this doesn't work please call our office to work out a payment plan. Registration form Sponsor's Information First Name * Last Name Billing Address City, Province Postal Code Tel. Number * Email * Deceased's Information: Relationship to Sponsor: Father Mother Husband Wife Other: * First Name: * Last name * Hebrew Name: * Father's Hebrew Name Mark applicable: Cohen Levi Israel * Date of Passing (mm/dd/yyyy) * Time of Passing: Day Night if Evening, time PM Form of Payment Credit Card Cheque/cash Visa Mastercard American Express Name on card Card Number Exp. (mm/yy) CVV Code Payment Plan: The entire amount is a single payment - $540 or $720 The entire amount in 6 equal installments - $90 or $120 each Please date Checks for a month apart. Credit Card will be charged in consecutive months. * Required This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.